This year, when I asked my husband what he wanted me to cook for Father’s Day Dinner, his resounding answer was…”Summer Salad!”…So here is my Vegan Summer Salad which is a favorite around our house along with my Vegan Honey Mustard Dressing…Yummmm! Â Tons of greens, 3 kinds of lettuce, spinach and then there are the Read More
Author: admin
Guess What We Are Building Next?
The last project we did was a Patio Rocket Stove and we included a step by step video…now, in the beginning of summer a Dry Fit Pizza and Bread Oven out of an old Charcoal Grill…Stay with us!…You’ll love it.
Functional Foods: What They Are and How They Work…
In the brain, a typical protein can live for approximately ten days. The thoughts, feelings and memories of a human being are made up of what was in the stomach only a few days before. As you can see, in choosing one’s diet, you actually can determine who and what you are going to become. Read More
Functional Foods Are Becoming More Popular…
Established in 1989 by Stephen DeFelice, “Foundation for Innovation in Medicine” defined “Nutraceutical”, as a food, dietary suppplement, or medical food that has a medical or health benefit, including the prevention and treatment of disease. Today, it is hard to separate the definition of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods. In 2002, the Nutraceutical or Functional Food Read More
Integrative Medicine and It’s Future…
The NBC National News, quoted the Washington Post in March 2000 about the concerns that the FDA had over the mixing of supplements and conventional medications. There was concerns that millions of people are taking supplements (considered herbs, homeopathic, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and some diet products) and having reactions when they mix these Read More
Here…Eat This Root!
Back in the 50’s and 60’s, we decided that we could no longer take care of ourselves and our health…we had doctors to do that for us…which is weird because before that it was not unusual for the Women of the house to deliver babies, extract bullets, set broken bones and treat fevers, rashes and Read More
7 Ways to Lose Weight Without Suffering
7 Ways To Lose Weight Without Suffering Eating well is the best way to lose weight these days and as most diets tell you what you can’t eat, we say that you “can eat†to lose weight. You can eat delicious foods that give your body what it needs, without lots of sugar, fats Read More
Approximately 30 years ago, food manufacturers were competing against the American Homemaker for consumable dollars. Women, traditionally prepared food fed to the family and the food prepared came fresh and cheap! Food scientists knew then that we have glutamate receptors on our tongues. Humans are driven to eat foods containing glutamates, even when we can’t Read More
Breakfast and the Amazing Oats!
Individuals with Celiac disease should avoid oats. Oat meal has been around since the Christian Era and first used for medicinal purposes. It wasn’t until much later that it was cultivated as a crop. Oats started out as an Asiatic plant and then was transplanted to the US. Today, Oats are the third most important Read More
Give the Sniffles the Cold shoulder!
Did you know your diet can reduce your risk of catching a cold or flu? Diet and other smart lifestyle choices can help you to avoid the sniffles, stuffy nose and aches of the cold, and influenza. Food and healthy lifestyle choices boost your immune system, and that can prevent you from coming down with Read More