You can save yourself lot of Money if you are a gardener by making your own planters out of bowls, old crock pots and ceramic containers…here’s what you do…
When I first started out doing this, I thought that I could take a masonry bit and just drill through the glaze and ceramics…nope…
First, you’ll need a particular bit for your drill…I use a Cordless drill just because it gives me the movement that I want…This drill bit I got at HomeDepot, but I’m sure most hardware stores will have it…
Then you want to take your bowl, pot or container…turn it over and decide where you want to put the drainage hole…if you have a container that has an edge…that is great because you’ll want to put a small amount of water on there #1 to keep the dust down, #2 to keep the area cool while you are drilling! It’s important that you let the drill do it’s job and not put to much pressure on it while you are trying to punch the hole through or you will end up cracking the container or worse breaking it completely!…so, you’ll go at about medium speed and make sure that you keep water on the area the whole time you are drilling…if it’s a bigger container and you need a bigger bit, take it outside and have some water running on top of the area the whole time you are drilling. It shouldn’t take very long, a couple of minutes of drilling time on a normal sized container, but I know that the old crock that I am drilling today (the heating element went out on it) would normally sell for over 20 dollars…and most of the items that I have done would have been 40 or 50 dollars easy if I would have bought a pot in a store…this will save you a bunch of money by years end! Garage sales, Dollar Stores…or you can make Hypertufa and drill holes into the bottom of those!