Did you know your diet can reduce your risk of catching a cold or flu? Diet and other smart lifestyle choices can help you to avoid the sniffles, stuffy nose and aches of the cold, and influenza.
Food and healthy lifestyle choices boost your immune system, and that can prevent you from coming down with colds and flu. Just don’t wait until you get sick to make changes; you’ll need to change your diet and lifestyle before the cold and flu season gets to you.
Rely on Real Food:
Eating whole foods are always better then taking dietary supplements alone for health because you get the total package…fiber, proteins, carbohydrates, phytogens and antioxidants! An orange is better for you then processed orange juice, because you get vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, antioxidants and fiber and they are all in the right amounts for your body to use. Fresh squeezed orange juice is much better than processed foods because the nutrients don’t have time to break down.
Eating fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C may help to keep your immune system strong and your immune system is what protects you from viral infections. The foods you eat have a major impact on your immune system’s ability to fight off colds and flu and that’s the reason that fruits and vegetables do a better job of keeping your immune system ready. Fruits and Vegetables contain vitamins A and E, as well as flavonoids that work along side vitamin C to keep your immune system and your whole body healthy.
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
So now that you know you need to eat lots of fruits and vegetables to keep your immune system strong, the next step is to actually do it! People eat less fruits and vegetables in the winter, which is the opposite of what you need to do. The body needs at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day to get all the vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants needed– all the basics needed for a healthy immune system.
One way to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables is to put fresh juice into your diet. Make sure you choose 100% fresh juices, as other juice drinks contain extra sugar and empty calories and fresh squeezed is always a better choice than processed..
Eating frozen fruits and vegetables is another economical and convenient way to improve your diet and prevent colds and flu. Jamba Juice uses the best whole fruits, frozen for freshness in all their jamba juices.
Make sure that fruits and vegetables are part of every meal.
Keep Up Your Healthy Diet
A healthy balanced diet with lean meats, fish, poultry, low-fat dairy, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds gives your body all the nutrients you need for general health. A healthy body tends to have a healthier immune system.